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How to export your payments and messages

You asked, we listened. You can now export your contributors' messages! Simply put, this means you can download a CSV file containing information on all of your contributions.

How do I do it?

  1. Go to the pot you want to export the messages from.
  2. Tap the 'Export' button.
  3. Tap on 'Export Messages'
  4. An email will arrive shortly afterwards with an attachment on it.
  5. Download the attachment to the email
  6. Open the file in your favourite spreadsheet app such as Excel, Google Sheets or Numbers.

Bob’s your Uncle, you now have a comprehensive list of all payment for that pot, including the messages left by your contributors.

Here’s a few ways that people use the export;

  1. When creating a gift pot, people often leave messages for the recipient, now you’ll be able to copy them straight into an e-card, or wherever else you want to use them.
  1. Some people use this for administrative purposes. For example, if someone is doing a collection for a few different teachers in a school, they may have one pot and ask their contributors to put their child’s class name as a reference in this box when contributing.
  1. You can use this if you need a comprehensive list of all contributions to their pot.

Pro tip: If you want to use the message feature in a specific way, make sure to explain to your contributors what you’d like them to do in the pot description.

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