Brexit and International Trade

We’ve recently been featured in “The Times” Special Report on Brexit and International Trade.
Yay, I hear you say! But I already know the next question lingering in the back of your mind.
What is the Special Report on Brexit and International Trade all about?
The report consists of several carefully curated pieces of research such as insights into exporting British Business post-Brexit, the lessons learnt for SMEs when navigating the pandemic post Brexit environment or the future of financial reporting in the post-Brexit world and many more. Interlinked with opinion pieces on the opportunities arising through Brexit from smarter and more intelligent ways of trading and doing digital business, delivered by industry experts, the special report makes for an educational read on all things Brexit.
Grab yourself a cuppa, put your feet up and bag yourself a copy of the report here. I promise it’ll make for an insightful Sunday read! Knowing that it probably won’t surprise you there will be/was a hard copy of the report in the Sunday Times on 19/09/2021.
What’s Collctiv’s Involvement with Brexit and International Trade?
Well, I am glad you asked! We’ve been featured in the opinion piece on ‘The brave new world of cities and regions doing digital business with each other shows a brighter trading future’ (it’s on page 16 for anyone who wants to jump straight to the juicy bits of the report).
Mark Stimpfig (Co-founder of GTM Global) is discussing how tech-savvy entrepreneurs supercharge global expansion through the support of innovation hubs, one of them being Collctiv.
“There is a growing recognition that specific cities and regions are becoming hubs for innovation. This is through a mix of investment in technology, support for entrepreneurs and development of the talent pool through universities, business groups and regional economic development bodies”. These entrepreneurial ecosystems help to accelerate global expansion
Knowing of the importance of interconnectivity, Greater Manchester is developing several partnerships with hubs in Ireland, Ruhr Metropole and North-Rhine Westphalia in Germany, Osaka in Japan, Maharashtra in India and Lyon in France, as well as North America.
We’re excited to be a part of the amazing ecosystem Greater Manchester is building and are pursuing our global expansion goals along the way.
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